Spider-Man PS4 Game of the Year?

Everyone is telling me that Spider-Man PS4 should get GOTY. Now in all honesty, we all know that’s not going to happen. God of War buried that dream and it seems that Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be the nail in the coffin. Does that mean that Marvels’ Spider-Man is a bad game? Absolutely not.

Marvels Spider-Man on the PS4 is a very, very solid game. The problem is not with the game itself but in comparison. When compared to GOW and RD2, it just unfortunately doesn’t hold it’s own. I’ve personally voiced my distaste of GOW and the direction it took, but it took a direction, and a ballsy one at that. When it comes to the details being released of RD2 and the level of polish that’s being applied, it’s surreal. Spider-Man PS4 was good, but it played it safe when it came to gameplay and I think that’s going to hold it back immensely come VGA’s this year. It perfected what other entries had tamed, but brought nothing exceptionally new to the table.

Looking back on the game, i feel that it was more of a proof of concept that Insomniac Games had the competency and skill to handle such a massively well-known character. In my honest opinion, the sequel is where i believe we’ll see the brunt of the innovation. Did i mention that LOU2 isn’t even out?

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